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Cyber Security

Critical to get it right. Constantly evolving threats.
We're here to help you get the right support.

Schools and MATs are often seen as 'soft' targets by hackers. Attacks can come from inside as often as externally.


Protecting your valuable data is vital, but it's not easy. Every organisation is different so you need options.

Microsoft's global monitoring of cyber threats show that in February 2021 over 62% of all malware attacks were against education. That's an incredible statistic, but demonstrates the scale of the threats against education organisations. 


That's why we're working with the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), the National Education Network (NEN), East of England Broadband Network (E2BN) and selected suppliers to provide a wide range of tools, software and services.


As cyber security is such an important area, we take extra care in selecting our suppliers. That means you can buy the products and services that you want and need, with confidence through the framework. 


Below are links to some of our suppliers that provide a range of different services and have been through a rigorous evaluation process, including compliance, competence, value for money and customer service. To find out more, please get in touch.




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Thank you, someone will be in touch very soon.

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