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Who are E2BN?E2BN formed in 1999, as a regional broadband consortium and has since evolved to support schools across the UK and overseas. They are a not-for-profit organisation with a board of directors of local authority representatives. E2BN own and let the Everything ICT framework on a 4 year term. They will appear as the contracting authority on all our contracts.
Who are WCL UK?WCL UK won the framework for the third time and will be the custodians until 2023. The WCL UK company name will appear on all official documentation i.e. invoices, sub-contracts etc. Everything ICT is the brand and trading name of the framework.
Do I need to register to use the framework?If you are a customer then no. We designed the framework to be as easy and hassle free as possible for our customers. It's as simple as letting us know what you want, recieving a quote then sending us a PO. If you are a supplier then yes, there is an evaluation process to be awarded a place. We pride ourselves on having the best partners on the market. In order to maintain that boast, we have to do some due diligence.
Who will invoice us?Invoices will always come from WCL UK Ltd. We then pay the relevant supplier(s).
How can I be sure I'm getting best value via a Direct Award?This question comes up almost daily. The idea of a Direct Award is very attractive to most as it saves so much time, money and effort over running a tender. However, it’s a change from the traditional procurement methods so it’s understandable to want more info. When it comes to ensuring value for money on equipment (rather than services) the process negates the need for a tender and is as follows: Manufacturers are multi-national corporations who produce hundreds of thousands of units in factories around the world. They typically have what’s known as a ‘channel model’ where they sell in bulk to Distributors; Distributors sell to Resellers; and Resellers sell to individual customers. Distributors are typically ‘national’. They are wholesalers with one or more warehouses in a country. They buy thousands of units at a time and store them ready for sale to Resellers. Resellers are ‘local’ and sell direct to customers. They typically buy small numbers of units (anything from 1 to hundreds) from a Distributor when a customer places an order. Most Manufacturers and Distributors run what’s commonly known as a “Deal-Reg” scheme. Deal registration is when a Reseller says “I’ve got a customer who is interested in buying X units, mark that deal as mine”. This does two things. Firstly, the Reseller gets given the best price for those units. Secondly, it stops other resellers going to that customer and undercutting the price and undermining the sales process. Other resellers can express an interest in a deal, but won’t be given the best pricing for those units. If a customer says “I don’t want to buy from Reseller 1, I want to buy from Reseller 2 instead” they can of course do that, but at that point Reseller 2 has to effectively buy the units from Reseller 1. Because Reseller 2 needs to make a profit to survive, that additional margin is usually passed on to the customer. Everything ICT have been developing relationships with Manufacturers (e.g. Dell, Cisco, Lenovo) to try and ensure that Everything ICT customers can get access to that nationally best pricing. This has been very challenging as it cuts across the traditional Deal-Reg schemes, but the Manufacturers see a distinct advantage in being aligned to the framework so are prepared to enter into arrangements with us, which is great because we have better visibility on pricing and therefore value for money for customers. One of the challenges we often get from schools is “I can go onto Google and get it cheaper”. My answer to that is yes you can, but be aware of the following: You can usually buy one or two units, not the quantities you need There are numerous examples of schools buying what are known as “Grey Imports”. This is typically kit built and destined for another market (e.g. Asia) and comes without warranty, support or backup. If something goes wrong (e.g. kit gets stolen in transit; or doesn’t work when you try to connect it to your network – we have examples of both) then it’s your problem to sort. If you buy through Everything ICT and something goes wrong, it’s our problem. We’re your insurance policy. So with that background knowledge, I come back to the exam question about how do we ensure value for money for customers. There are a number of things that we can do with the key ones being: Soft internal benchmarking against resellers. We do thousands of orders each year so we can do quick internal comparisons against other deals to ensure best value. Testing a similar specification for a different manufacturer (e.g. comparing laptops from Dell against similar devices from HP or Fujitsu) to see if there are better deals on equipment that will do the job just as well.
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